Smoking Policy Clarification

Like a few other progressive bars and restaurants throughout St. Louis, The Royale chose to go non-smoking before legislative or electoral act. We think it's good business and have been enjoying clean air for nearly three years. But as the smoking ban's rolled into effect this month, we've noticed a heightened use of electronic, or e-cigarettes, both are our establishment and at others in the neighborhood. To clarify our non-smoking policy, we'll like to note that as of today e-cigarettes will not be allowed inside The Royale, though you're welcome to employ them on our spacious patio.Thus, inside The Royale there'll be no smoking of any type of cigarette, cigar, pipe, blunt, or other products of the tobbaconists' art, whether, or not, they're supplied by fire, microchip, internal combustion engine, nuclear power or magick.Smoking of any of these items is now added to the list of verboten activities inside The Royale, including, but not limited to: trap shooting; dice, dominoes and other games of chance; trying to outduel our deejays with your iPhone's music collection; human trafficking; and parrots on your shoulder.Thanks and we hope to see you soon!


Vinyl Side Monday Challenge


Hours Changes: 1/10 & 1/11