Open on Thanksgiving (Night)

The Royale Food & Spirits invites you to spend your day with beloved friends and family this Thanksgiving.And then we invite you to have some fun.The Royale is open on Thanksgiving night, starting at 8 p.m., and running until our usual close of 1:30 a.m. Our evening's entertainment will be the DJ spin of John Gassel. Along with whatever entertainment options you choose to bring along with you, including leftovers and carryout, as our kitchen will be closed.We should also note that the club's open for regular business on two of the busiest days in the industry, Wednesday and Friday. The legendary White Sisters are on the ones-and-twos on Wednesday; on Friday, Thomas Crone of KDHX's "Silver Tray," spins from 10 p.m.-close.


Beats, Bukowski, Fire... Tonight!


The Butler Miller: Wikipedia Takes Note